End user needing help getting on to the Internet?
In the first instance please to contact your local service provider. Beyond this if you wish to contact LocustWorld please provide sufficient detail for us to locate you, such as Name and Location you are calling from and a way to get back in touch with you.
Support for Network Operators
If you are a LocustWorld Customer and you need immediate assistance with your network, then we are here to help you. The LocustWorld systems include support ticket functions, the most direct way to report a support incident is to login to your account to raise a support ticket.
Support tickets go directly into the support queue with relevant context data that helps to troubleshoot the issue. Alternatively follow any of the other contact routes, and ensure that you give us enough information to respond effectively to your request.
Support Services
LocustWorld customers receive contracted SLA support services. LocustWorld support services include online, system operated and in-person response to resolve network operations issues, assisting customers to keep their networks running and delivering services to end users.
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LocustWorld applications include comprehensive customer support applications. Network incidents and outages will automatically trigger alert messages to the operator. Network operators can add in a valuable support channel to communicate with their customers using SMS messages, where end users can text in for help using two way chat system integrated into the customer system.
During normal operation LocustWorld systems generate detailed operating statistics, charts and logs, which are accessible even during system outages.
Bespoke Instant Messaging can be used to provide end user communication with the operator and operator communication with LocustWorld.
Network operators can use these support functions to provide improved customer service to their customers, and also to get smoother assistance from LocustWorld.
Monitoring alerts can be delivered by email, SMS or IM. Online applications provide a comprehensive control console to trace network events and customer activity.